“Equity Education”

“Equ. Ed.” Pronounced “ekwa ed”

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Does Hilary Clinton actually exist any more?

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As much as Satan does.

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I think the picture in her attic has died of old age, our gal is looking more and more like the crypt keeper.

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Akshually, it is perfectly legal to shout fire in a crowded theatre. How else would you warn everybody?

And even if there is no fire, it is still legal to yell and warn everyone! If you made a mistake and it was just someone smoking a cigar, they aren’t allowed to arrest you for it!

If you did it as part of some elaborate hoax to trick people into panicking and hurting each other in the press to get out, that is when things get touchy….

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It’s also perfectly legal for a US Congressman to set off a fire alarm to disrupt a vote, provided that the Congressman is a “Democrat.”

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